ह सिगरेट क्या नुकसान होगा?

लंबाई: 30s

भाषा: English, Indonesian, Hindi

साल: 2016

अनुकूलनशीलता क्रमनिर्धारण: High

लाइसेंसिंग रेटिंग: Easy

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अभियान का नाम
What will this Cigarette Do?
लक्षित दर्शक
Adult male smokers
प्रमुख संदेश

Every cigarette causes damage to your body. What damage will this one do?


I sometimes as myself, what damage will this cigarette do? Will it be the one that gives me a stroke? Lung cancer? Heart disease? Or will it simply eat away at my lungs a bit more, as every cigarette does? Next time you reach for a pack, ask yourself: What damage will this cigarette do?

उपलब्ध अन्य सामग्री





लाइसेंस नोट

वाइटल स्ट्रेटीज़ के स्वामित्व में और उनसे मुफ़्त में उपलब्ध।

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