Pouring on the Pounds – Boy

Продолжительность: 30s

Язык(и): English

Год: 2013

Степень адаптируемости: Medium

Лицензирование: уровень: Easy

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Название кампании
Pouring on the Pounds (Soda)
Целевая аудитория
Adults, Parents
Основные сообщения

Kids can drink themselves sick with sugary drinks. Sugary drinks can bring on obesity and diabetes and the earlier in life someone gets diabetes, the greater the risk of serious complications later.

Краткий обзор

Boy drinks sugary beverage followed by an animated trip throughout his body/internal organs that shows where the fat accumulates. With text describing the health issues in a particular region in the body. Ends with animated pouring of soda.


VO: Kids can drink themselves sick with sugary drinks. Sugars are dumped into their bloodstream with every drink, which can lead to fat build up in and around vital organs (Text: Organ Fat, Obesity, Diabetes, Heart Attack, Stroke). Surgery drinks can bring on obesity and diabetes and the earlier in life someone gets diabetes, the greater the risk of serious complications later. Are your kids pouring on the pounds? Closing Text: Are you pouring on the pounds? Obesity? Diabetes? Heart Disease?


New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene

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