Vote for the Soda Tax in Cook County

长度: 30s

语言: English

年份: 2016

可改编性评分: Low

许可评分: Easy

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Protect Our Children's Health and Support Soda Taxes

A one cent per ounce soda tax can make a big difference in the community, saving jobs and saving lives.


Ad focused on the merits of a penny-per-ounce soda tax proposed for Cook County, Illinois. Describes benefits of the tax to families and the community.


VO: What if we could make our families safer? Save hundreds of jobs in public safety? And fund programs to reduce the rising tide of street violence? And what if all it took was a penny, a small one cent per ounce soda tax.
Text: Soda tax: 1 cent per ounce.
VO: ...can make a big difference for our community. Saving jobs and saving lives.
Text: Saving jobs; Saving lives.
VO: So tell the Cook County Board of Commissioners to vote for the soda tax. Let's spend a penny and give back change.
Closing Text: Tell the Cook County Board of Commissioners: Vote for the Soda Tax (Paid for by Michael Bloomberg)

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