Tenemos derecho a la información (We Have the Right To Information)

المدة: 30s

اللغة/اللغات: Spanish

العام: 2018

تصنيف القابلية للتكيف: Medium

ملحوظة عن الترخيص: Easy

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Ultra-processed foods and drinks can lead to a range of diet-related diseases, but their unhealthy content is often hidden. Demand clear labels on unhealthy foods.


A young girl pours cereal. The narrator describes how the lack of information on the front of packaging prevents us from identifying junk food. The girl is depicted as an adult with obesity, struggling to walk up stairs. A black octagonal label says "obesity." A young boy is drinking juice. He is depicted years later with an amputated leg. A black octagonal label says "diabetes." A young boy is shown eating chips. Years later he is holding his chest in pain. A black octagonal label says "hypertension. Images of black octagonal labels that warn of unhealthy content are shown, as the narrator urges that we demand these seals.


Voiceover: You might not understand the ingredients in ultra-processed products, but you will certainly understand what it means to have these diseases. The lack of information on the front of the packaging prevents us from identifying junk food. The daily intake of products high in sugar, sodium, and saturated fats may lead to serious diseases in the future. Enough! We have the right to information. Let us demand these seals.


Red PaPaz

Tenemos derecho a la información - Spanish Subtitles

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