Invisible Killer (Hospital)

المدة: 30s

اللغة/اللغات: Chinese

العام: 2011

تصنيف القابلية للتكيف: Low

ملحوظة عن الترخيص: Easy

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اسم الحملة
Invisible Killer-Hospital
الجمهور المستهدف
Both smokers and non-smokers
الرسائل الرئيسية

Secondhand smoke, the invisible killer, attacks the vital organs of everyone around smoker.

Smoking is completely banned in all healthcare facilities nationwide starting from 2011


Shows a scene of a hospital waiting room where a person is smoking. Secondhand smoke remains visible, black, as we see it swirl around and fill the whole room, going into the noses and mouths of everyone waiting.


VO: Secondhand smoke attacks the vital organs of everyone who breathes it, increasing their chances of heart disease by a quarter, even if they’ve never smoked. But the scariest thing is, you can’t even see it; 85% of secondhand smoke is invisible. Secondhand smoke, The invisible killer. Smoking is completely banned in all healthcare facilities nationwide starting from 2011!

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