Patient Testimonial: Type 2 Diabetes

Longueur: 30s

Langue(s): English

Année: 2020

Évaluation de l’adaptabilité: Low

Évaluation des licences: Hard

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Eating junk food and drinking sugary drinks increase the risk of getting Type 2 diabetes. Support policy that restricts unhealthy foods and sugary drinks in schools.


A woman with Type 2 diabetes discusses how eating junk food and drinking sugary drinks increases the risk of getting Type 2 diabetes. She urges that unhealthy foods and sugary drinks be cut out from schools.


Jerri-Lee Lovell, Type 2 Diabetes Patient: Eating junk food and drinking sugary drinks, increases the risk of Type 2 diabetes. Having Type 2 diabetes is so hard. Our children's health is at risk. Cut out those unhealthy foods and sugary drinks, especially in our schools. (Closing text: Act Now! Protect Our Children's Health. Support policy that restricts unhealthy foods and sugary drinks in schools.


Heart & Stroke Foundation of Barbados

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