Do not eat more lies, FOPL introduction

Length: 30s

Language(S): English, Spanish

Year: 2018

Adaptability Rating: Medium

Licensing Rating: Easy

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campaign Name
Do not eat more lies, FOPL introduction
target audience
Adults , Parents
Key message

Junk Food, Marketing, Health Effects. Introduction of the need of FOP labels.


Portraits children exposed to different types of junk food advertisement and when they have the products they become what they really are, sugar, fat, and sodium. In the end, the products are exposed with a question mark in the products demanding to have clear labels in the front of the packages.


VO: One out of every four scholar aged children in Colombia is obese or overweight. This increases the risk of serious diseases in adulthood ENOUGH. Let´s demand restrictions for advertisement of junk food and clear information (Text: high in sugar?) in the front of the packages (Text: High in saturated fats?). Do not eat more lies, and don´t give them to your children. A Red PaPaz initiative. Endframe: Let's remove junk food advertisementfrom their world.

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