General Practitioner

Length: 30s

Language(S): English

Year: 2019

Adaptability Rating: Low

Licensing Rating: Easy

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campaign Name
Are We Drinking Ourselves Sick?
target audience
Adults, Policymakers
Key message

Excess consumption of sugary drinks can cause obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease. support our children's health, support a sugary drinks tax


The ad tells the truth of a general practiitioner. From a first-person perspective, it shows his real-life story of the actual and possible health consequences of excessive consumption of sugary drinks, such as obesity, Type 2 diabetes, heart disease and other NCDs, with an emphasis on children and young people.


As a family phyisican I've seen hundreds of patients diagnosed with hypertension, type 2 diabetes, and obesity. I find that more young people are becoming overweight and obese, some as early as in their 20s and even children. In the case of men, diabetes can lead to erectile dysfunction. Excessive consumption of sugary drinks increases the risk of these non-communicable diseases. Help tackle obesity and protect our children's future. Support our children's health. Support a sugary drinks tax.

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