Length: 30s
Language(S): English
Year: 2020
Request Licensing InfoThe rates of overweight and obese children in Barbados is alarming. Support policy to restrict unhealthy foods and sugary drinks in schools.
Multiple parents discuss their concerns with the rates of overweight and obese children in Barbados, and obesity-related diseases including Type 2 diabetes. They urge the audience to support policies to restrict unhealthy foods and sugary drinks in schools so that children have a safe environment to grow up in.
Lisa Bayley, parent: So we know the rates are very alarming. One in three children in Barbados is overweight or obese. And one of the big killers in Barbados of the NCDs is Type 2 diabetes. We need to something about these figures. Kathie Daniel, parent: Act now! Protect our children's health. Cheyne Jones, parent: Support policies that restrict unhealthy foods and sugary drinks in schools. Lisa Bayley, parent: Our children's health is at risk and I think it's our responsibility to make sure they have a safe environment to grow up in. Closing text: Act Now! Protect our children's health. Support policy that restricts unhealthy foods and sugary drinks in schools.
Heart & Stroke Foundation of Barbados