Pouring on the Pounds

Length: 30s

Language(S): English, Spanish

Year: 2012

Adaptability Rating: Medium

Licensing Rating: Easy

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Pouring on the Pounds
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Key message

Sugary drinks are a big reason for the obesity epidemic. Obesity causes type 2 diabetes and its serious complications including heart disease, blindness and even amputations.


This ad shows various happy people drinking sugary drinks and then cuts to pictures of adults dealing with various medical issues. The next scene is a child drinking soda with 50 lbs of sugar bags in front of him. The last scene shows sugary drinks to avoid, followed by the healthy alternatives.


VO: Sugary drinks may seem perfectly harmless but sugary drinks are a big reason for the obesity epidemic in America. Obesity causes type 2 diabetes and its serious complications like heart disease, blindness and even amputations. If your kids drink one bottle of soda a day they're eating 50 lbs of sugar a year, 50lbs from just one soda a day (Text: 50lbs from just one soda a day). So don't drink yourself sick (Text: Don't drink yourself sick). Go with water, seltzer, fat free milk or unsweetened teas instead (Text: Go with water, seltzer, fat free milk or unsweetened teas instead). Text: Are you pouring on the pounds? Get Healthy Alternatives!


New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene

Pouring on the Pounds

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