Right to Know

Length: 30s

Language(S): English

Year: 2021

Adaptability Rating: High

Licensing Rating: Easy

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Right to Know
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Key message

Ultra-processed foods and drinks can lead to a range of diet-related diseases, but their unhealthy content is often hidden. Give us clear labels on the front of packages.


A young girl in a chef uniform prepares breakfast and a lunchbox for school. She pours out cereal and juice but instead the sugar and salt content is depicted being poured into a bowl. She then prepares a sandwich, potato chips and cherry drink for lunch, but instead the content of saturated fat, salt and sugar is shown. She tells viewers that foods that are high in salt, fats and sugar increase the risk of diseases, and that now more than ever people have the right to know what's in their food through clear labels on the front of packages.


Young girl: Hello, today we’ll be making breakfast and preparing a lunchbox for school. Let’s start with some…sugar and salt. (Text: 7 teaspoons sugar, 1/4 teaspoon of salt). And wash it down with a nice big glass of …more sugar (Text: 6 teaspoons sugar). And now for the lunchbox, let’s put in saturated fat, more salt and sugar (text: 1 teaspoon salt, 7 teaspoons sugar, 21.7g saturated fat). Foods high in salt, fats, and sugar increase the risk of hypertension, obesity, heart diseases, and Type 2 diabetes. Now more than ever, we have the right to know what’s in our food. Give us warning labels on the front of our food packages! Text: We have the right to know! Give us warning labels on the front of our food packages!


The Heart Foundation of Jamaica

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