Are You Drinking Yourself Sick?
Sugary drinks, health effects
Depicts woman giving a healthy breakfast to her daughter instead of sugary cereal. Shows a lunchbox packed with fruit instead of a granola bar. Depicts woman serving water instead of sugary beverage to her child. Explains how consumption of one sugary drink can have more added sugar than the appropriate daily amount for children. Offers healthier alternatives.
VO: You’ve already switched out that sugary cereal, and started her day with a healthier breakfast. You’ve stopped packing that granola bar in his lunchbox. But you’d be doing more to protect your children’s health if you also stopped serving them sugary drinks. Just one sugary drink often has more added sugar than your child should have in one day. Cut out those added sugars. For a healthy future for your family, choose water or low-fat milk. (end frame shows logos, website information and social media handles).
The State of Alaska Department of Health and Social Services