Warm Heart
Length: 30s
Language(S): English, Sindhi, French, Russian, Hindi, Chinese, Arabic
Year: 2006
Request Licensing InfoSmoking causes damage to nearly every organ and tissue of the body.
Eerie music plays throughout. We see the silhouette of a man smoking a cigarette and can see his lungs transposed on his silhouette. As he exhales, his silhouette turns into that of a skeleton with organs visible. A voiceover explains that smoking eats away at nearly every vital organ and tissue of the body. Cut to a shot of a real human heart beating faster and faster, then a healthy lung that quickly turns black from smoking, followed by a cancerous mouth, rotting teeth, and a cancerous throat. Next, cut to an image of a brain, then stroke-inducing clogged arteries. Cut back to quick flashes of the silhouetted smoker and the heart, lung, mouth, teeth and throat. Quit line referral.
VO: Every time you smoke, cigarettes are eating you alive. Smoking eats away at nearly every vital organ and tissue of the body. The heart. The lungs.
Text: Healthy lung…after years of smoking.
VO: The mouth, teeth and throat. Even the brain.
Text: Stroke.
VO: Cigarettes are eating you alive. Quit smoking today. For help, call 311 or 1.866.NYQUITS.
Text: Quit smoking today. For help call 311 or 1.866.NYQUITS. NYC Health. The New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene.
No fee if voiceover is removed; otherwise, talent fees apply.