Cigarettes are Eating Your Baby Alive

Length: 30s

Language(S): English, Russian, Hindi, Spanish, Chinese

Year: 2007

Adaptability Rating: High

Licensing Rating: Medium

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campaign Name
Cigarettes are Eating You Alive
target audience
Adult smokers, especially parents
Key message

Cigarette smoke causes severe health problems in babies and children.


Eerie music plays throughout. We see the silhouettes of a man and woman smoking cigarettes in front of a child. Their lungs are transposed on their silhouettes. A voiceover explains that cigarette smoke contains poisons that trigger severe health problems. Cut to images of real babies hooked to respirators. As the voiceover says that cigarette smoke can cause ear infections, asthma and pneumonia, we see shots of children with each of these conditions. Cut back to the child’s silhouette, then images of babies with low birth weight. The voiceover says that cigarette smoke is linked to low birth weight and doubles the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. Cut back to the silhouettes, then quick flashes of the sick children. Quit line referral.


VO: When you smoke around kids, you expose them to thousands of chemicals that are eating them alive. Cigarette smoke contains poisons like cyanide and carbon monoxide that trigger severe health problems. Like painful ear infections, crippling asthma, and deadly pneumonia. Cigarette smoke is linked to low birth weight and doubles the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. Cigarettes are eating you and your kids alive. Quit smoking today. For help, call 311.
Text: Quit smoking today. For help call 311 or 1.866.NYQUITS. NYC Health. The New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene.

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licensing note

No fee if voiceover is removed; otherwise, talent fees apply.

Cameroon (English and French available)

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