Invisible Killer (Office)

Length: 30s

Language(S): Chinese

Year: 2010

Adaptability Rating: Low

Licensing Rating: Easy

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campaign Name
Smoke-Free Guangzhou 2010
target audience
Both smokers and non-smokers
Key message

Secondhand smoke, the invisible killer, attacks the vital organs of everyone.

Please comply with Guangzhou Municipal Smoking Control Regulations.


Shows a scene of a business office where one person is smoking. Secondhand smoke remains visible, black, as we see it swirl around and fill the whole room, going into the noses and mouths of everyone waiting.


VO: Secondhand smoke attacks the vital organs of everyone who breathes it, increasing their chances of heart disease by a quarter, even if they’ve never smoked. But the scariest thing is, you can’t even see it; 85% of secondhand smoke is invisible. Secondhand smoke, The invisible killer. Please comply with Guangzhou Municipal Smoking Control Regulations!

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