Smoke-Free Winter Olympics

Length: 30s

Language(S): Chinese

Year: 2022

Adaptability Rating: High

Licensing Rating: Medium

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campaign Name
Smoke-Free Winter Olympics
target audience
Adults, Parents, Kids
Key message

In order to protect everyone’s health, please support 100% smoke-free policies in public places.


The video opens with a shot of Hong Zhang, member of the International Committee and China's first gold in speed skating at the Winter Olympics, rollerskating. As she passes someone smoking, a visual representation of smoke entering the body is shown. After a shot of Hong Zhang skating on the ice, she asks for support of smoke-free public places.


VO: Second-hand smoke enters the body from the throat and not only damages the lungs. The smoke will activate the platelets. It will make the blood sticky and damage the arteries, which can lead to stroke and heart disease. Hong Zhang: Only if I have a healthy body can I achieve more brilliant results. In order to protect the health of everyone, please support a total ban on smoking in public places.

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