Suffering Every Minute of Every Day: Emphysema

Length: 30s

Language(S): English, Spanish

Year: 2011

Adaptability Rating: High

Licensing Rating: Easy

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campaign Name
Suffering Every Minute of Every Day: Emphysema
target audience
Adult Smokers
Key message

Dying from smoking is rarely quick and never painless.

As a smoker, you can cause a huge burden to your family and loved ones when you get sick.


Focus groups with smokers suggest that they are more motivated by depictions of severe suffering from smoking-related illnesses than from the risk of dying.

This is one of the two campaign’s PSAs (the other is “Stroke” ) focusing on a victim who is suffering from emphysema, a smoking-related illness that can alter lives forever and require family members to provide intensive, constant care and support.


Back ground: a smoker struggling to breathe

Text: Dying from smoking is rarely quick and never painless. When smoking leads to emphysema, you can suffer every minute of every day. Four million Americans live with the misery of emphysema caused by smoking.

Final packshot: You might be eligible for New York City’s Nicotine Patch and Gum Giveaways trought March 24.

Quit smoking today. For help, call 311 or search NYQUITS on nyc.gov.

NYC Health. The New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene.

other materials available

Posters (also available in Spanish)


licensing note

Send request to develop license agreement.
No fee if voiceover is removed; otherwise, talent fees apply.

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