Suffering Every Minute of Every Day: Lung Cancer (Mom)

Length: 30s

Language(S): English, Spanish

Year: 2012

Adaptability Rating: Low

Licensing Rating: Easy

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campaign Name
target audience
Adult smokers
Key message

Dying from smoking is rarely quick and never painless.

As a smoker, you can cause a huge burden to your family and loved once when you get sick.


Focus groups with smokers suggest that they are more motivated by depictions of severe suffering from smoking-related illnesses than from the risk of dying.

This is one of four PSAs in this campaign, focusing on a victim who is suffering from lung cancer, a smoking-related illness that can alter lives forever and require family members to provide intensive, constant care and support.


Opening shot of a woman in her home with an oxygen tube, struggling to breathe. Her son enters to hand her a glass of water.

Text: Dying from smoking is rarely quick and never painless. When smoking leads to lung cancer, you and your family can suffer every minute of every day. 846,000 Americans are living with the misery of cancer caused by smoking.

Quit smoking today. For help, call 311 or 1-866-NYQUITS, or visit nyc.gov and search NYQUITS.

NYC Health. Made possible with funding from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

other materials available

Posters (available also in Russian and Chinese)


licensing note

Send request to develop license agreement.
No fee if voiceover is removed; otherwise, talent fees apply.

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