
Продолжительность: 30s

Язык(и): English

Год: 2018

Степень адаптируемости: Low

Лицензирование: уровень: Easy

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Название кампании
Right to know testimonials
Целевая аудитория
Adults, Policymakers
Основные сообщения

Clear food labels, right to know what you eat, labeling public consultation,

Краткий обзор

The ad is a testimonial from Paola, who is a consumer and young woman talking about the importance of healthier food choices for her and how clear labels are essential for making this right a reality.


Diet is important to me because I believe it is a way to take care of my health. Read packages is always a fight and then you are buying a cat for rabbit (saying in Brazil). With labels that have more frontal and clear information you will be less deceived when consuming. VO: Anvisa, we have the right to know what we eat. Access right to know.org

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Instituto Brasileiro de Defesa do Consumidor (IDEC)

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