Doctor Testimonial: Obesity

Продолжительность: 30s

Язык(и): English

Год: 2020

Степень адаптируемости: Low

Лицензирование: уровень: Hard

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Sugary drinks increase the risk of obesity and Type 2 diabetes. Support policy to restrict unhealthy foods and sugary drinks in schools.

Краткий обзор

A doctor discusses the many young people that he has seen with Type 2 diabetes, obesity and heart disease, as images of people suffering from these diseases are shown in the background. He shares several statistics about the obesity epidemic. Finally, he urges that sugary drinks be cut out from schools to decrease rates of obesity and Type 2 diabetes.


Dr. David Byer: I've seen hundreds of patients including many young people with Type 2 diabetes, obesity and heart disease. 1 in 5 adult Barbadians has diabetes which is a major burden on our health system. Drinking one sugary drink a day increases the risk of a child being overweight by 55%. We need to cut out sugary drinks in schools which can decrease the rate of obesity and Type 2 diabetes. Closing text: Act Now! Protect our children's health. Support policy that restricts unhealthy foods and sugary drinks in schools.


Heart & Stroke Foundation of Barbados

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