Addis Ababa: Never drink and drive, Testimonial

Год: 2016

Степень адаптируемости: Low

Лицензирование: уровень: Easy

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Название кампании
Never Drink and Drive
Целевая аудитория
Adult vehicle users
Краткий обзор

Testimonial ad tells the story of a mother who lost her daughter to someone that decided to drink and drive.


Mother VO: My daughter, she was admired both for her performance at school and discipline in her way of life.  She was to graduate this year from university. Pity, when I had high hopes for her, when I believed she’d support me…One unfortunate day, a drunk driver killed my buoyant girl. He took her away from me. I can’t bear the sad truth that my only daughter is gone. I can’t find solace.   
Narrator VO: Drinking and driving ruins lives.
End frame: Never drink and drive

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Produced by and available from Vital Strategies.

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