Se le dijo (I Told You)

Продолжительность: 30s

Язык(и): Spanish

Год: 2021

Степень адаптируемости: High

Лицензирование: уровень: Medium

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Название кампании
I told you
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Основные сообщения

We need politicians to pass legislation for a tax on sugar-sweetened beverages to save lives.

Краткий обзор

This ad is in the form of a song calling on politicians to pass legislation for taxes on sugary beverages to help prevent diseases. Clocks are pictured to show that too much time has passed without political action, then there are images of sugary beverages lined up in a market and later images of hospitals, doctors and people experiencing obesity and suffering from related diseases.


Song: Mister President! 5 years ago, you could have been conscious, helping to reduce diabetes. He was told, he was told! Minister! More resources, less speech. Health is a right no more abuses. He was told, he was told. Congressman! Don’t be pessimistic. You can help reduce obesity. He was told, he was told .
You can save people’s lives by helping to reduce the consumption of sweetened beverages to prevent associated diseases. Colombia needs the health tax now.
Text: WHO recommends reducing the consumption of sugary drinks to prevent diseases. #ImpuestoSaludableYa

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Radio spot, billboard, print and digital ads.

Se le dijo - 15 seconds

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