Soda Machine

Продолжительность: 30s

Язык(и): English

Год: 2014

Степень адаптируемости: Low

Лицензирование: уровень: Easy

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Название кампании
A Healthy Bay Area
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Основные сообщения

A one cent tax on soda can reduce the epidemic of childhood obesity and diabetes and put money toward programs to improve health.

Краткий обзор

Depicts children looking at a soda vending machine. Each button lists a health problem caused by sugary drinks, instead of a sugary beverage product. At the end, the kids walk away as the narrator speaks about the public health benefits and the extra revenue that will be earned.


VO: When kids drink soda, they're getting a lot more than they bargained for. Because just one soda a day can lead to an extra ten pounds a year, and that leads to some very serious health problems. But a small soda tax can make a big difference.
Text: Soda tax: 1c per ounce.
VO: ...Reducing the epidemic of childhood obesity and diabetes, and putting money towards programs to improve nutrition, exercise and public health. So make the right choice and vote yes.
Closing text: Vote Yes! In San Francisco and Oakland to reduce childhood obesity and diabetes.

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